Enter 2021

Happy New Year AFK fans! — “Action” Steve here… I hope everyone is doing well out there. — As usual, here at ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM Headquarters there is a lot going on in multiple directions, which — when added together — all lead to one direction… forward!

Once again I haven’t been posting here as often as I should – it’s a combination of not wanting to “toot my own horn” and not wanting to talk about things that have not been accomplished yet. That being said, I’ve accomplished quite a bit in 2020, including producing TWO all-new issues of ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM — the 24-page AFK#12 which went on sale mid-2020, and the 28-page AFK#13 (which is currently at the printer and should be available in a couple of weeks). I also designed and illustrated a whole bunch of cool AFK pin-ups (most of which have yet to be revealed) and I wrote and illustrated a 5-page ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM issue which serves as a PSA for wearing a face-covering during the pandemic. The 5-pager was printed and handed-out for FREE at our affiliated comic shop, FUNNYBOOKS Comics & Stuff in New Jersey.

Even with all the new material I’ve been steadily producing, the initiative I’m most excited about is working with colorist Lea Jean Badelles, who is in the process of coloring (hopefully) the entirety of ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM, beginning with AFK#1. Lea has also colored multiple AFK pin-ups and has taken over the coloring duties for new ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM covers (beginning with AFK#13). She also did an amazing job coloring the aforementioned, 5-page, “GOOD GUYS WEAR MASKS” PSA, which you can now read right here at actionfigurekingdom.com at our FREE READS tab. Lea is just incredible, and also very pleasant to work with. I am so very fortunate to have found her and to be working with such a talented artist.

Now that I’ve completed the fourth AFK storyline (issue #13 wraps-up “The Try-Out Issues” arc), I kind of have a clean slate ahead of me for the first time in years, and I am looking forward to coming up with new material, and producing new stories, and for what 2021 and beyond could mean for ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM.

Let’s get started!

Thanks for reading! – Action Steve