Ugh! Time flies when your making FUNNYBOOKS, and – once again – it’s been too long between blog posts and I’m really sorry about that. For more frequent updates please consider following us on our Instagram… action_figure_kingdom.

Follow ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM on Instagram for more frequent updates

Since our last post (back in July – yikes!), Ziggy and I took the ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM show on the road and have had some memorable and rewarding experiences at several east coast comic cons — GARDEN STATE COMIC FEST in Morristown New Jersey, TERRIFICON in  Connecticut, and — most recently — BALTIMORE COMIC CON in… well… Baltimore!

GARDEN STATE COMIC FEST is pretty much an annual July tradition for us, since it’s the closest “big” comic con to ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM headquarters in Parsippany, New Jersey. GSCF is the only comic con we know of to be held inside of a hockey rink, and we always have a “chill” time.

Our next stop was in August at TERRIFICON — at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Northern Connecticut — where we were invited to be part of the KIDS LOVE COMICS section of Artists’ Alley, alongside other like-minded creators of family-friendly Comics & Stuff (and for some reason, Russ Braun – who is known for his work on the adult-themed, “THE BOYS” series). It was our first TERRIFICON and we really enjoyed the INFINITY GAUNTLET-themed weekend (we even saw THANOS creator Jim Starlin “walk into a wall” when he tried to exit through a curtain that was just covering a wall, not a door). At night we hit the casino where I learned craps by watching Ziggy play. Maybe I’ll play next year — we are definitely hoping to go back!

This “life-sized” THANOS greeted us at the 2019 TERRIFICON

Action Steve (and Jet Jaguar- lol) at Terrificon

In early October, Ziggy and I spent a Thursday at the east coast’s biggest comic con, NEW YORK COMIC CON! We didn’t set up at NYCC, but we attended some professional panels in the morning, and then spent the rest of the day networking and just taking in the scene and having fun. After the con, we made our way over to the annual SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) ”reunion” — Ziggy is a graduate — for some refreshments. Thanks, SCAD!

Action Steve and Ziggy B. having fun at NYCC 2019.

Finally — in late October — Ziggy and I returned to the Baltimore Comic Con! The BCC is very well run and always a lot of fun. The organizers provide our amazing “KIDS LOVE COMICS” group a generous amount of space — complete with a workshop area — where I hosted a panel on ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM (and debuted the first incarnation of my “GOOD GUYS rap” – under protests from Ziggy). Over the course of the three-day con, we were able to introduce AFK to a bunch of new fans, and also had some returning fans, from previous Baltimore Comic Cons, looking to score more issues of AFK. If you ever get a chance to get to the Baltimore Comic Con, go for it. We really love it!

Action Steve hosted a “Meet the GOOD GUYS” panel at BCC2019!

We want to thank all of the convention organizers, fans, and our fellow creators for the great experiences we have had attending these comic cons — especially the members and of the “KIDS LOVE COMICS” group. Special thanks to Mark and Chris Mariano who keep the group together and pretty much run the workshop area. Also, special thanks to Franco, who took the time to do a really cool ACROBOT and SPARKINATOR cover for me! What a nice guy!

Thanks to Franco for this Amazing ACROBOT and SPARKINATOR “Fan Art.”

Now that “convention season” is over, it’s time to hunker down at the drawing table and get serious about ACTION FIGURE KINGDOM #12 and ACTION PICKLE KINGDOM #2. More on those soon. — Also… Happy Birthday, Ziggy!

Thanks for reading! – Action Steve